Jan-Niclas Sirsch, Justine Glaz-Ocik & Jens Hoffmann

Institut Psychologie & Bedrohungsmanagement

Serious violence in German employment agencies Risk factors and prevention

Violent assaults in German employment agencies caused a great deal of concern. Within the last years some severe and lethal attacks on employees in these agencies took place. Nevertheless little research has been done on the topics of risk factors and threat management related to client-initiated violence yet. This study describes 26 cases of client-initiated violence which took place in Germany in the years of 2001 until 2013. The cases are divided into the two groups: „threateners“ (N=6) and „perpetrators“ (N=20). Looking at the group of the perpetrators the study shows that in 90 % of the cases critical behavior could be identified before the attack. Looking closer at this group 70 % were described as verbally or physically violent prior to the assault or they caused severe concern to others. In 45 % of the cases the perpetrator showed psychological disturbances or suicidal behavior or ideation. Further risk factors as experiences of loss or preparation behavior could be identified, too. The results of the study will be discussed with the focus on prevention strategies, especially in terms of threat assessment.

Seite 59-71