Norbert Jochens, Frank Vogel & Ronny Steffenhagen

Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung, Polizei und Rechtspflege des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Phenomena of abnormal behavior in police organizations: Organizationally usable and self-serving illegality

In this article, the authors discuss the limits of behavior devi­ating from the norm as “normality” and “necessity” in police organizations using the example of the “Nordkreuz” group In this regard, their considerations are put on a systemtheoretical basis Taking into account an exploratory study carried out with regard to the occasion, the authors outline a model proposal for a process-based explanation in the di­rection of radicalization of progressive deviating behavior Finally, as part of an outlook, an attempt is made to qualify behavior deviating from the norm with regard to the “tip­ping point” between usable illegality and selfish illegality.

Seite 30-38