Helen Behn

Polizeiakademie Niedersachsen

Suicide by Cop in Germany: Results of an Initial Empirical Study

Few results are available from empirical studies of the phe­nomenon ‘suicide by cop’ (SbC) in Europe Above all, results from Scandinavia and England are accessible for research In the Anglo-American literature, primarily from the USA, attention has been drawn to this weakness The scholarly articles from German speaking countries are merely secondary sources which take up and present previous research results – exclusively from Anglo-American countries By carrying out the first empirical study on the topic suicide by cop in Germany, the author has closed this gap The investigation comprises the analysis of 90 cases (net random samples) from the State of Lower Saxony (in northern Germany) from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2017 Three case-generation criteria were used for selecting the cases This article sum­marizes the study (its objective and main results)

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