Katja Wenske, Alexander Steinhäuser & Malte Schophaus

Kreispolizeibehörde Hochsauerlandkreis & Hochschule für Polizei und öffentliche Verwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Use of ‘quick set routines’ to reduce stress while approaching the location of police operation

On the basis of the available sport- and police-psychology literature, we examine to what extent the recourse to tried and tested mental methods for practicing performance rou-tines from the field of competitive sports can be expedi­ent for primary police stress prevention It is assumed that some fields of action in the police force and in competitive sports are similar in terms of the requirements for highly standardized action patterns Requirements and stressors in police service are presented and the current state of sport psychological research on performance routines (‘quick set routines’) is examined The possibilities and limits of the transfer of sport psychological concepts to the police ser­vice are systematically assessed along established criteria Future research questions are derived.

Seite 14-25