Birger Antholz

Middle service or upper service? Salaries in comparison

On average, a police officer in the upper service earns 70 eu­ros more per month in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of training. In the first fully paid year of service, a police officer in the upper service receives 300 euros more per month. Middle service versus upper service result in 3000 to 3300 gross or 2500 to 2800 net euros per month. Because the training in the middle service is half a year shorter and you are paid in full earlier, you earn 57,000 euros in the first three years in the middle service, which is 5,000 euros more than in the upper service with 52,000 euros. Since you have to go to school longer for the upper service, a prospective police master works 3 1/2 years more at the beginning. Thus, he reaches 168,000 euros in the first six years. That is 116,000 euros more than in the upper service (52,000 euros there). This salary advantage means that at the start of 2021, a police officer in the middle service will earn more in the first 28 years, until 2049. Only then does the police officer in the upper service pass by and earn a lifetime income of 1.95 million, while the police officer in the middle service earns 1.8 million euros (150,000 euros less).

S. 12-19