Anne T. Herr, Fredericke Leuschner, Henrike Jaroschek, Kristina Balaneskvic, Andre Niewöhner & Clemens Lorei

Polizeipräsidium Münster, Kriminologische Zentralstelle, Justizvollzugsanstalt Offenburg, Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit, Kreispolizeibehörde Coesfeld

A presentation of application-orientated aspects regarding perception of danger and self-protection of police officers and rescue workers

Perception of danger and self-protection are crucial to redu­cing attacks against emergency services. Through an open question in a quantitative survey, police and rescue workers were asked for experience-based recommendations on these aspects. The results showed for both groups that a calm, professional and friendly appearance was effective and com­munication was rated as the most effective measure to red­uce attacks. It was also shown for employees of emergency services that this topic is of lesser importance not only in training and further education, but also during operation. The experiences of police and rescue workers surveyed in this study can contribute to expanding the individual spec­trum of possible courses of action.

S. 55-66