Julia Davidson, Mary Aiken, Kirsty Phillips, Ruby Farr, Agnes Höchtl, Philip Schneider & Holger Nitsch

University of East London, Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern

021 European Youth Cybercrime Survey

Digital technologies are ubiquitous and, due to the ever-increasing level of connectedness, one criminal phenomenon is specifically on the rise: cybercrime.Y oung people are a particularly vulnerable group: they spend more than half of their waking hours on and with digital devices.

But what exactly does „cybercrime“ actually mean? And precisely how vulnerable are young people? This article first attempts to grasp, define and classify the phenomenon of cybercrime and then discusses a study from 2021 in which almost 8,000 young people in the EU were asked about their (risk) behaviour online. Results are reported in particular relation to Germany and discussed in terms of their impact on police practice.